Sharing My Advent of Code 2023 with Quarto (And How You Can Do the Same)

Sharing My Advent of Code 2023 with Quarto (And How You Can Do the Same)
Check the website here.
As a Christmas enthusiast, I’ve always been intrigued by the Advent of Code, a series of daily programming puzzles leading up to Christmas. This year, I’m taking on the challenge with either R or Python, adding a touch of whimsy by using a spinning wheel to choose my language each day. I’m also sharing my solutions on a special Advent of Code-themed website. Find out how you can create your own Advent of Code site and automate the process with the aochelpers R package.
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Analyzing my music collection with Python and R

Analyzing my music collection with Python and R
A couple of months ago, I decided that it was time for me to finally grow out of my R comfort zone and start studying Python. I began my Python journey by reading the book Python for Data Analysis from Wes McKinney (creator of pandas, the Python equivalent of the tidyverse), and having finished it I wanted to put into practice what I’ve learned through an applied data analysis.
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